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Bellever Monuments Key

Bellever Monuments Key

Some of the monuments in and around the Bellever/Laughter Tor/ Lakehead Hill area at one time each had a numbered post which related to it’s description etc. As a result of time and weather (possibly vandalism)  some still have their number posts in-situ and some have lost them. Either way from what I can establish there is no accessible key to what the numbers relate to which can be slightly frustrating if one is not conversant to the area. However, I did manage to get hold of a copy a sheet that lists each monument, its corresponding number, the scheduled monument number and the OS grid reference along with a map. This key and map has been reproduced below for anyone wishing to visit the area, it is advised the map be used in conjunction with an Ordnance Survey map and the grid co-ordinates. Please note that the map had been adapted from an old Ordnance Survey map and so the tree cover shown is much less today.

Bellever Plantation – Lakehead Hill

Description Site No. Scheduled Monument No. OS Grid Ref.
Hut Circle 1.A n/a SX 6499 7826
Cairn 2.A n/a SX 6497 7829
Cairn with Kistvaen 3.A n/a SX 6468 7837
Pound 4.A n/a SX 6454 7830
Enclosure with 7 hut circles 5.A 455 SX 6445 7815
Pound 6.A n/a SX 6425 7815
Hut Circle 7.A 455 SX 6438 7808
Hut Circle 8.A n/a SX 6435 7806
Cairn with Kistvaen 9.A 454 (d) SX 6426 7770
Ring Cairn 10A 454 (c) SX 6435 7777
Stone Row (possibly double) 11A 962 SX 6438 7765
Ring Cairn 12A n/a SX 6434 7749
Ring Cairn and Kistvaen 13A n/a SX 6436 7747
Ring Cairn & Kistvaen 14A 886 SX 6450 7760
Stone Row 15A 886 SX 6452 7760
Cairn with Kistvaen 16A 887 SX 6471 7740
Hut Circle 17A 888 SX 6459 7729
Kistvaen 18A 965 SX 6471 7717
Site of Kistvaen 19A 454 (b) SX 6488 7728
Stone Row 20A n/a SX 6435 7725

Bellever Tor

Description Site No. Scheduled Monument No. OS Grid Ref.
Cairn 1B n/a SX 6414 7627
Kistvaen in Cairn 2B n/a SX 6408 7646
Enclosures with Hut Circles 3B 889 (a. b, & c) SX 644 768
Enclosure 4B n/a SX 646 766
Enclosure 5B n/a SX 646 768
Hut Circle 6B 963 SX 6502 7660


Bellever Tor Settlement

Description Site No. Scheduled Monument No. OS Grid Ref.
Hut Circle 1C 964 SX 6482 7690
Hut Circle 2C n/a SX 649 770
Hut Circle 3C n/a SX 649 770
Hut Circle 4C n/a SX 649 767
Hut Circle 5C n/a SX 649 767
Hut Circle 6C n/a SX 649 767
Hut Circle 7C n/a SX 649 767
Hut Circle 8C n/a SX 648 768
Hut Circle 9C n/a SX 648 768
Enclosure Wall & Field Systems 10C n/a SX 649 768

Laughter Tor

Enclosure with 2 Hut Circles 1D n/a SX 6540 7590
Hut Circle 2D n/a SX 6506 7609
A Collection of Stone Walls 3D n/a SX 650 761

Hut Circles & Enclosure Walls

4D n/a SX 653 762

Bellever Monuments Key

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About Tim Sandles

Tim Sandles is the founder of Legendary Dartmoor

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