I don’t think I would be far wrong in suggesting that there are very few places on Dartmoor from which a tor of some kind is not visible. This is hardly surprising as it is the literal bedrock of the moor and what we see today are mere vestiges of what once existed. I can remember once stood in a Dartmoor Park Visitors Centre and hearing an overseas visitor ask, “who built the tors?”, well I think if we knew the answer to that the world would be a much better place than it is today. I have also heard the question asked, “how many tors are there”? again that is a difficult one to answer. Mainly because what can be classified as an actual tor? There are the obvious massive granite outcrops which clearly can be described as a tor but then there are the tiny eroded remains that today exist as nothing more than a few boulders.
The O.E.D. defines the word as meaning,
“a hill or rocky peak, whose origin is the Old English word torr, perhaps of a Celtic origin and related to Welsh tor ‘belly’ and Scottish Gaelic tórr ‘bulging hill‘.
However, on Dartmoor things are a bit different, some say the word derived from the Celtic word twr which meant a ‘tower’. The definition of a tor is “a prominent outcrop of rock that can occur at any point between valley floor and hilltop”. The majority of tors consist of granite however there are some on the moor edges that are of greenstone, elvan, and quartz-schorl. The natural weathering of the tors produces secondary features such as rock-basins, logan stones, clitters, and tolmen stones.
So how did the tors come to be? For the beginnings we shall have to delve deep into the annals of time to around about 280 million years ago. This was when the molten granite which was at a temperature of between 900 and 1000ºC cooled and began to solidify. As this process took place the minerals which make up granite crystallised as tightly knit grains which gave the rock its natural hardness. There are three main types of mineral to be found in granite, Feldspar, Biotite, and Quartz, this combination gives the Dartmoor Granite its distinctive hues of colour.
When the still hot granite was still hot but solid the contraction caused vertical open fractures to appear and eventually form the distinct ‘joints’. At the same time hot water flowed through these joints and deposited a lining of quartz and tourmaline crystals in them. The orientation of the joint pattern was controlled by two things, the pressure in the earth’s crust and the actual movements along faults.
The granite was covered by a layer of mostly slate and sandstone which was between 2 – 3 km thick. In geological time scales this layer was eroded away fairly quickly and once the pressure of this overlying rock was removed the granite began to expand upwards. This movement started the formation of the horizontal joints, a good example being that of Chat tor in the photograph above. The joints tend to follow the topography of the surrounding land insomuch as on the hilltop tors the joints run horizontally and in the valley tors they may be inclined.
The granite was then over a lengthy period of timed weakened by the process of kaolinisation. This occurred when hot water which had been heated from within the granite by natural radiation, began to circulate and break down the feldspar minerals. As these are one of the major components of granite (30-40%) this process resulted the formation of a white clay called kaolin. You only have to drive across Lee Moor or walk up to Redlake to see the extent of this process. This began the lengthy task of shaping the tor formations.
Around about 60 – 30 million years ago Dartmoor was experiencing a sub-tropical climate and was covered with trees and vegetation. As the vegetation began to rot the rainwater percolated acidic water down through the granite. This resulted in further weakening of the rock, especially along the joints through which the water ran and once agin the erosional forces began to further shape the granite.
Between 2 million to 10,000 years ago Dartmoor was experiencing an Ice Age and this too began a process of erosion. Probably the most damaging of these forces was the ‘freeze thaw’ effect. This is where water lying in the joints is frozen and the expanding ice forces the granite apart and causes blocks of rock to fall away. This loose material then rolled off downhill, aided by the permanently frozen ground underneath. In warmer spells the frozen surface layers began to thaw and the resulting ‘mudflow’ would then carry granite debris of all shapes and sizes downhill. In some areas of Dartmoor huge blocks and boulders were carried up to 1 km during this process which eventually formed the clitters we see today. Eventually all of the loose material from around the cores of granite were eroded leaving us with the tors of today.
Ever since man has lived on Dartmoor he has utilised the granite in every conceivable way. Initially it made his home, cooked his food, enclosed his fields, and built his ritual monuments. This trend never ceased and in later years the granite made his roads, his buildings, and in some cases his fortune as the Quarry owners knew all too well. Today the tors bring in the visitors who along with many of the locals always have an irresistible urge to climb on top of a granite outcrop and stand and stare as if it was they had conquered their personal ‘Everest’. They provide sheltered picnic spots, climbing challenges, hiding places for letterboxes, viewpoints, navigational points, and much much more.
So to return to the original question as to how many tors there are. William Crossing suggests 147 which when looking at the OS map is believable. Over the years I have been building a database of Dartmoor place-names and below are 433 names which have been used to name the tors of Dartmoor. That is not to say that there are 433 tors as many of them have been known as various names down through the ages and this list contains all the ‘aliases’ as well. Many of them no longer appear on the modern maps but they have all been used at some time or other. The sources I have used to compile this list includes maps, books, documents, and gazetteers of all ages. I believe this to be the most comprehensive list yet to be published and it is still growing. Only today I was reading a feature in the latest issue of the ‘Dartmoor News’ where it was saying that under the new CROW act there is now access to ‘Pin Tor’, a tor I had never come across
The Gazetteer of Dartmoor Tors
© Tim Sandles 2006/7
Tor Name | OS Grid Ref | Also Known As |
AISH TOR | SX 702 715 | |
ARCH TOR | SX 6336 7817 | |
ARMS TOR | SX 541 863 | |
ASHBURY TOR | SX 6050 9405 | |
ATHER TOR | SX 7580 7690 | AKA Hay, Hey, High, & Solar Tor. |
AYLESBOROUGH TOR | SX 5995 6860 | AKA Eylesbarrow Tor, Ellisborough Tor. |
BAGTOR | SX 7620 7575 | |
BAGGA TOR | SX 5480 8050 | AKA Baketorre & Bog Tor |
BAKETORRE | SX 5480 8050 | AKA Bagga Tor. |
BEARA TOR | SX 553 679 | AKA Burra Tor, Berra Tor. |
BEARDOWN TORS | SX 60 77 | |
BEE TOR | SX 7082 8440 | |
BEL TOR | SX 697 730 | |
BELL TOR | SX 7305 7785 | |
BELLAFORD TOR | SX 644 764 | AKA Bellever Tor. |
BELLEVER TOR | SX 644 764 | AKA Bellaford Tor. |
BELSTONE TORS | SX 61 92 | |
BENCH TOR | SX 691 716 | AKA Benjy Tor. |
BENJY TOR | SX 691 716 | AKA Bench Tor. |
BERRA TOR | SX 5520 6790 | AKA Beara Tor, Burra Tor, Beera Tor. |
BERRA TOR | SX 4780 6905 | |
BEYONDER TOR | SX 6192 7922 | AKA Little Whitten Tor. |
BILLY’S TOR | SX 5673 7450 | |
BIRCH TOR | SX 687 814 | AKA Warren Tor. |
BLACK TOR | SX 567 895 | AKA Blacktorr Hedges, Blacka Tor, Great Black Tor |
BLACK TOR | SX 573 718 | |
BLACK TOR | SX 681 635 | |
BLACKA TOR | SX 567 895 | AKA Black Tor. |
BLACKA TOR | SX 666 750 | |
BLACKA TOR | SX 6943 7850 | |
BLACKADON TOR | SX 712 734 | |
BLACKALDER TOR | SX 5674 6159 | AKA Blackaller Tor |
BLACKALLER TOR | SX 5674 6159 | AKA Blackalder Tor. |
BLACKATON TOR | SX 7104 7342 | An outlying pile of Blackaton Tor. |
BLAKEY TOR | SX 6130 7366 | AKA Colden Tor. |
BOG TOR | SX 5480 8058 | AKA Bagga Tor & Baketorre. |
BOT TOR | SX 8270 8050 | |
BOULTERS TOR | SX 5250 7806 | |
BRACKEN TOR | SX 5884 9386 | |
BRADDON TOR | SX 6225 7990 | AKA Broadown Tor |
BRAI TOR | SX 5398 8557 | AKA Brat, Widgery, Broad, & Lur Tor |
BRAT TOR | SX 5398 8557 | AKA Brai, Widgery, Broad, & Lur Tor |
BRAZEN TOR | SX 547 806 | AKA Brouzen Tor, Brownsdon Tor. |
BRENT TOR | SX 471 804 | |
BRIMAGE TOR | SX 57?? 60?? | AKA Bromedge Tor |
BRIMHILL TOR | SX 5185 7948 | |
BROAD TOR | SX 5398 8557 | AKA Brai, Brat, Widgery, & Lur Tor |
BROADOWN TOR | SX 6225 7990 | AKA Braddon Tor |
BROOMAGE TOR | SX 57?? 60?? | AKA Brimmage Tor |
BROUZEN TOR | SX 545 806 | AKA Brownsdon Tor, Brazen Tor |
BROWNSDON TOR | SX 545 806 | AKA Brounzen Tor, Brazen Tor. |
BUCK TOR | SX 4802 6989 | |
BURRA TOR | SX 553 679 | AKA Beara Tor, Berra Tor, |
BUTTERN TOR | SX 6530 8868 | AKA The Cuckoo Stone. |
CADWORTHY TOR | SX 5421 6418 | AKA Oxen Tor. |
CALLISHAM TOR | SX 5380 6640 | |
CALVESLAKE TOR | SX 6081 6761 | |
CASTLE, THE | SX 552 867 | AKA Great Links Tor, Great Lynx Tor. |
CHARBE TOR | SX 731? 774? | AKA Bone Hill Rocks. |
CHAT TOR | SX 5553 8523 | AKA Clatter Tor. |
CHINKWELL TOR | SX 728 718 | AKA Chinkywell. |
CHINKYWELL | SX 728 718 | AKA Chinkwell Tor. |
CHIP TOR | SX 555 722 | AKA Ingra Tor, Inner Tor, Ingater Tor, Johnson’s Quarry |
CHUB TOR | SX 5200 6610 | |
CLAIG TOR | SX 549 677 | |
CLARET TOR | SX 6652 5862 | AKA Creber Rocks. |
CLATTER TOR | SX 5553 8528 | AKA Chat Tor |
CLAY TOR | SX 568 781 | AKA Small Tor. |
CLEAG TOR | SX 5494 6759 | AKA Click Tor & Yannadon Crags. |
CLEAVE ROCKS | SX 6090 9408 | AKA Cleave Tor & The Coronet |
CLEAVE TOR | SX 6090 9408 | AKA Cleave Rocks & The Coronet. |
CLICK TOR | SX 5494 6759 | AKA Cleag Tor & Yannadon Crags. |
COCKS TOR | SX 531 762 | AKA Cox Tor. |
COLDEN TOR | SX 6130 7366 | AKA Blakey Tor. |
COLLARD TOR | SX 5571 6215 | |
COMBESHEAD TOR | SX 587 688 | |
COMBESTONE TOR | SX 670 718 | AKA Cumston Tor |
CONIES DOWN TOR | SX 5892 7910 | |
COOMBE TOR | SX 6858 8718 | |
CORNDON NORTH TOR | SX 687 747 | |
CORNDON TOR | SX 687 742 | AKA Curnen Tor, Quarnian Tor |
CORONET, THE | SX 6090 9480 | AKA Cleave Tor & Cleave Rocks. |
COURTON TOR | SX 613 737 | Taken from Shillibeer’s map. |
COX TOR | SX 531 762 | AKA Cocks Tor. |
CRAMBER TOR | SX 5836 7118 | AKA Cramberplana. |
CRAMBERPLANA | SX 5836 7118 | AKA Cramber Tor. |
CRANE TOR | SX 622 690 | AKA Crane Hill. |
CREWTOR | SX 6070 7871 | AKA Crow Tor. |
CRIP TOR | SX 5615 7312 | |
CROCKERN TOR | SX 6156 7577 | Site of The Stannary Parliament. |
CROUGHTER | SX 6069 7871 | AKA Little Crow Tor. |
CROW TOR | SX 6070 7871 | AKA Crewtor. |
CROWNHILL TOR | SX 5748 6087 | |
CUMSTON TOR | SX 670 718 | AKA Combestone Tor. |
CURNEN TOR | SX 687 742 | AKA Corndon Tor. |
CUT TOR | SX 578 669 | AKA Gutter Tor, Gotetorre & Gotterknap Tor. |
DEVILS TOR | SX 5969 7962 | |
DINGER TOR | SX 5862 8810 | |
DOE TOR | SX 542 848 | |
DOWN TOR | SX 580 694 | |
DREAM TOR | SX 7709 7678 | |
EAGLES HILL | SX 581 902 | AKA Yes Tor |
EASDON TOR | SX 7295 8230 | |
EAST BIRCH TOR | SX 6890 8085 | |
EAST MILL TOR | SX 599 901 | |
EAST TOR | SX 543 899 | Main pile at N.W. of Sourton Tors. |
EAST TOR | SX 5644 7247 | AKA. Yes Tor. |
EAST TOR | SX 580 643 | AKA Great Trowlesworthy Tor. |
EASTERN TOR | SX 584 665 | |
ELLISBOROUGH TOR | SX 5995 6860 | AKA Eylesbarrow Tor, Aylesborough Tor. |
EYLESBARROW TOR | SX 5995 6860 | AKA Aylesborough Tor, Ellisborough Tor. |
FEATHER TOR | SX 535 741 | AKA Fede Tor. |
FEATHER TOR | SX 7472 8155 | An outcrop of Manaton Tor. |
FEDE TOR | SX 535 741 | AKA Feather Tor. |
FLAT TOR | SX 609 816 | |
FOGGIN TOR | SX 567 735 | AKA Vokketorre |
FORTER | SX 588 831 | AKA Fur Tor & Vur Tor |
FOX TOR | SX 5138 7883 | |
FOX TOR | SX 6260 6980 | |
FOXWORTHY TOR | SX 761 821 | AKA Small Tor. |
FRENCHBERE TOR | SX 6715 8542 | AKA Frenchbere Rock |
FUR TOR | SX 5655 7249 | |
FUR TOR | SX 588 831 | AKA Vur Tor & Forter. |
GER TOR | SX 547 831 | AKA Great Tor, Gordetorre. |
GIBBY COMBE TOR | SX 687 687 | |
GIDLEIGH TOR | SX 6712 8779 | AKA Princeps Folly. |
GORDETORRE | SX 547 831 | AKA Ger Tor. |
GOTETORRE | SX 578 669 | AKA Gutter Tor, Gotterknap Tor, Cut Tor. |
GOTTERKNAP TOR | SX 578 669 | AKA Cut Tor, Gotetorre & Gutter Tor. |
GRANATE TOR | SX 552? 892? | AKA Granite Tor, Sourton Tor. |
GRANITE TOR | SX 552? 892? | AKA Granate Tor, Sourton Tor. |
GREA TOR | SX 7514 7910 | AKA Greator Rocks, Grettor Bridge. |
GREAT BLACK TOR | SX 567 895 | AKA Black Tor. |
GREAT COMBE TOR | SX 523 775 | |
GREAT HAY TOR | SX 5500 8430 | |
GREAT HAY TOR | SX 551 842 | AKA. Hare Tor. |
GREAT HOUND TOR | SX 743 790 | AKA Hound Tor. |
GREAT KING TOR | SX 709 816 | AKA King Tor |
GREAT LINKS TOR | SX 552 867 | AKA Great Lynx Tor & The Castle |
GREAT LYNX TOR | SX 552 867 | AKA Great Links Tor & The Castle |
GREAT MIS TOR | SX 562 769 | |
GREAT STAPLE TOR | SX 542 760 | AKA Great Steeple Tor |
GREAT STEEPLE TOR | SX 542 760 | AKA Great Staple Tor |
GREAT TOR | SX 547 831 | AKA Ger Tor |
GREEN TOR | SX 5510 8798 | AKA Gren Tor & Grenny Tor. |
GREEN TOR | SX 562 864 | |
GREN TOR | SX 5510 8798 | AKA Green Tor & Grenny Tor. |
GRENNY TOR | SX 5510 8798 | AKA Green Tor & Gren Tor. |
GRETTOR BRIDGE | SX 7514 7910 | AKA Grea Tor. |
GRIMS TOR | SX 703 806 | AKA Hameldown Tor. |
GUTTER TOR | SX 578 669 | AKA Gotterknap Tor, Gotetorre & Cut Tor. |
HALL TOR | SX 6383 6014 | AKA Tristis Rock. |
HAMELDOWN TOR | SX 703 806 | AKA Grims Tor |
HAMPSTER TOR | SX 581 902 | AKA High Willhays |
HARE TOR | SX 551 842 | AKA.The Volcano, Great Hay Tor. |
HARE TOR | SX 601 911 | |
HART TOR | SX 581 720 | |
HART TOR | SX 6010 9112 | |
HARTL& TOR | SX 6417 7992 | |
HARTOR | SX 678 740 | AKA Yar Tor, Heart Tor & Hartor. |
HAWKS TOR | SX 5522 6252 | AKA Oxter Tor. |
HAY TOR | SX 7580 7690 | AKA Ather, Hey, High, & Solar Tor. |
HAYNE DOWN TORS | SX 74 80 | Group of rock outcrops. |
HAZEL TOR | SX 731 716 | AKA Auswell Rocks, Lion Rock. |
HEART TOR | SX 678 740 | AKA Yar Tor, Hurtestorre & Hartor |
HECKWOOD TOR | SX 5390 7374 | |
HEL TOR | SX 7996 8702 | |
HEN TOR | SX 5933 6530 | AKA Hind Tor |
HERNE HOLE TOR | SX 5808 7460 | |
HEXTON TOR | SX 582 637 | |
HEYTOR | SX 7580 7690 | AKA Ather,, Hay, High, & Solar Tor |
HIGH TOR | SX 5119 7868 | |
HIGH TOR | SX 7580 7690 | AKA Ather, Hay, Hey, & Solar Tor. |
HIGHER HART TOR | SX 5996 6774 | |
HIGHER TOR | SX 6128 9171 | |
HIGHER TOR | SX 6979 7260 | |
HIGHER WHITE TOR | SX 620 780 | AKA Whitten Tor, & Waydon Tor. |
HIND TOR | SX 5933 6530 | AKA Hen Tor. |
HOAX TOR | SX 6221 8011 | |
HOCKINSTON TOR | SX 6951 7194 | |
HOLEWYLTORRE | SX 751 777 | AKA Holwell Tor. |
HOLLOW TOR | SX 5710 7454 | AKA Stone Tor. |
HOLLOW TOR | SX 7313 7620 | |
HOLWELL TOR | SX 751 777 | AKA Holewyltorre |
HONEYBAG TOR | SX 729 787 | |
HOO TOR | SX 612 900 | AKA Oke, Ock, Oak Tor. |
HOOK-IN-TOR | SX 6951 7194 | AKA Hucken Tor,Okel Tor. |
HOOKNER TOR | SX 699 813 | AKA Hookney Tor. |
HOOKNEY TOR | SX 699 813 | AKA Hookner Tor. |
HOUND TOR | SX 6289 8901 | AKA Round Tor |
HOUND TOR | SX 743 790 | AKA Great Hound Tor. |
HUCCABY TOR | SX 6566 7397 | |
HUCKEN TOR | SX 549 738 | AKA Hook-in-Tor, Okel Tor, Hulkynctore. |
HULKYNCTORE | SX 549 738 | AKA Hucken Tor. |
HUNT TOR | SX 5570 8749 | |
HUNTERS TOR | SX 7220 8975 | |
HUNTERS TOR | SX 7662 8248 | |
HURSTON CASTLE TOR | SX 6836 8341 | |
HURTESTORRE | SX 678 740 | AKA Yar Tor, Hartor, & Heart Tor. |
INCLINE PLAIN TOR | SX 562 729 | |
INGATER TOR | SX 555 721 | AKA Chip Tor, Inner Tor & Ingra Tor. |
INGRA TOR | SX 555 721 | AKA Chip Tor, Inner Tor, Ingater Tor. |
INNER TOR | SX 555 721 | AKA Chip Tor, Ingater Tor & Ingra Tor. |
IVY TOR | SX 6280 9361 | |
KENT TOR | SX 5174 7935 | AKA Kenter Tor |
KENTER TOR | SX 5174 7935 | AKA Kent Tor |
KES TOR | SX 6655 8628 | |
KING TOR | SX 709 816 | AKA Great King Tor |
KING’S TOR | SX 556 739 | |
KINGSHEAD TOR | SX 709 779 | |
KIT TOR | SX 5672 8747 | AKA Kitty Tor. |
KITTY TOR | SX 5672 8747 | AKA Kit Tor. |
KNATTABOROUGH TOR | SX 6109 9100 | Partly worked stones on slopes. |
LADYBROOK TOR | SX 6254 9236 | |
LANGWORTHY TOR | SX 7065 7677 | |
LAUGHTER TOR | SX 653 757 | AKA Lough Tor |
LAUNCESTON TOR | SX 7265 7220 | AKA Long Score Tor |
LEEDON TOR | SX 563 719 | |
LEGHTETORR | SX 711 714 | AKA Leigh Tor. |
LEGIS TOR | SX 5710 6557 | AKA New Warren Tor. |
LEIGH TOR | SX 711 714 | AKA Long Tor, Leghetorr. |
LEIGHON TOR | SX 757 787 | |
LENNECK TOR | SX 552 867 | AKA Great Links Tor. |
LETHER TOR | SX 563 700 | AKA Lodertorre. |
LINTS TOR | SX 580 875 | AKA The Sphinx |
LITTAFORD TOR | SX 6157 7715 | AKA Longbetor. |
LITTLE BEE TOR | SX 6162 7690 | |
LITTLE BOULTERS TOR | SX 5246 7800 | |
LITTLE COCKS TOR | SX 528 765 | AKA Little Cox Tor, Reeps Tor. |
LITTLE COMBE TOR | SX 5205 7772 | |
LITTLE COX TOR | SX 528 765 | AKA Little Cocks Tor, Reeps Tor. |
LITTLE CROW TOR | SX 6069 7871 | AKA Croughter. |
LITTLE DOWN TOR | SX 5768 6937 | |
LITTLE FORD TOR | SX 6157 7715 | AKA Littaford Tor & Longbetor. |
LITTLE FOX TOR | SX 6215 6980 | AKA Yonder Tor. |
LITTLE HARE TOR | SX 5469 8413 | AKA Little Hay Tor. |
LITTLE HAY TOR | SX 5469 8413 | AKA Little Hare Tor. |
LITTLE HEN TOR | SX 5934 6528 | |
LITTLE HOUND TOR | SX 632 899 | AKA Little Whithill, Round Tor, Parva Hundetorre. |
LITTLE KING TOR | SX 554 738 | |
LITTLE LINKS TOR | SX 5471 8698 | AKA Little Lynx Tor |
LITTLE LYNX TOR | SX 5471 8698 | AKA Little Links Tor |
LITTLE MIS TOR | SX 5640 7630 | AKA Wain Tor. |
LITTLE PEW TOR | SX 531 732 | AKA Samford Tor. |
LITTLE STAPLE TOR | SX 5386 7537 | AKA Little Steeple Tor |
LITTLE STEEPLE TOR | SX 5386 7537 | AKA Little Staple Tor |
LITTLE TOR | SX 5770 6459 | AKA Little Trowlesworthy Tor. |
LITTLE TOR | SX 5894 9068 | |
LITTLE TROWLESWORTHY TOR | SX 5770 6459 | AKA Little Tor. |
LITTLE WHIT TOR | SX 538 787 | |
LODERTORRE | SX 563 700 | AKA Lether Tor. |
LOGATOR | SX 6850 7202 | AKA Lug Tor, Lucky Tor, & Looka Tor |
LONG SCORE TOR | SX 7265 7220 | AKA Launceston Tor |
LONG TOR | SX 711 714 | AKA Leigh Tor. |
LONGAFORD TOR | SX 616 779 | AKA South Beetor. |
LONGBETOR | SX 6157 7715 | AKA Littaford Tor, & Little Ford Tor |
LONGTIMBER TOR | SX 5094 7826 | |
LOOKA TOR | SX 6850 7202 | AKA Lucky Tor, Lug Tor, Raven Rock & Logator. |
LOOKOUT TOR | SX 5970 7233 | AKA South Hessary Tor. |
LOUGH TOR | SX 653 757 | AKA Laughter Tor. |
LOUGHTEN TOR | SX 667 835 | AKA Lowton Rocks & Lowton Borough. |
LOWER DUNNAGOAT TOR | SX 5575 8632 | |
LOWER HART TOR | SX 6035 6752 | |
LOWER WHITE TOR | SX 6192 7922 | AKA Beeyonder Tor. |
LOWERY TOR | SX 5560 6970 | |
LUCKY TOR | SX 6850 7202 | AKA Lug Tor, Logator, Looka Tor, & Raven Rock. |
LUG TOR | SX 6850 7202 | AKA Lucky Tor, Logator, Looka Tor, & Raven Rock. |
LUR TOR | SX 6225 7990 | AKA Broadown Tor & Braddon Tor |
LUXTON TOR | SX ??? ??? | |
LYDFORD SHARP | SX 5501 8488 | AKA Sharp Tor, Sharpator. |
LYDFORD TOR | SX 5995 7818 | |
LYNCH TOR | SX 565 807 | |
MAIDEN TOR | SX 5620 6810 | |
MANATON TOR | SX 7483 8156 | AKA Manaton Rocks. |
MEL TOR | SX 693 725 | AKA Molletor Tor, & Mil Tor. |
MID TOR | SX 5346 6929 | |
MIDDLE STAPLE TOR | SX 540 756 | AKA Middle Steeple Tor |
MIDDLE STEEPLE TOR | SX 540 756 | AKA Middle Staple Tor |
MIDDLE TOR | SX 6690 8583 | |
MIDDLEWORTH TOR | SX 5725 6935 | |
MIL TOR | SX 693 725 | AKA Mel Tor. |
MOLLETOR | SX 693 725 | AKA Mel Tor |
NARROW TOR | SX 5671 6870 | |
NAT TOR | SX 5458 8239 | |
NAT TOR | SX 5735 6730 | |
NEW WARREN TOR | SX 5710 6557 | AKA Legis Tor. |
NORTH HESSARY TOR | SX 5783 7422 | AKA Ysfother |
NORTH TOR | SX 6910 7192 | |
OAK TOR | SX 612 900 | AKA Oke Tor & Ock Tor |
OCK TOR | SX 612 900 | AKA Oak Tor & Oke Tor |
OKE TOR | SX 612 900 | AKA Hoo Tor, Oak Tor & Ock Tor |
OKEL TOR | SX 549 738 | AKA Hucken Tor & Hook-in-the-Tor. |
OVALS TOR | SX 751 777 | AKA Holwell Tor |
OVER TOR | SX 558 753 | |
OXEN TOR | SX 5421 6418 | AKA Cadworthy Tor |
OXTER TOR | SX 5522 6252 | AKA Hawks Tor. |
PARVA HUNDETORRE | SX 632 899 | AKA Little Hound Tor & Round Tor. |
PETERSTONE ROCKS | SX 542 787 | AKA White Tor, Peter Tor |
PETER TOR | SX 542 787 | AKA Whit Tor, Peterstone Rock |
PETRE’S CROSS TOR | SX 6535 6549 | AKA Western Whittabarrow. |
PEW TOR | SX 533 735 | AKA Pewterdowne. |
PEWTERDOWNE | SX 533 735 | AKA Pew Tor. |
PIL TOR | SX 7350 7595 | |
PIN TOR | SX 7561 8875 | |
PIZWELL TOR | SX 6703 7779 | Suggestive name. |
PLANE TOR | SX 554 780 | |
QUARNIAN TOR | SX 687 742 | AKA Corndon Tor. |
QUEEN OF THE MOOR | SX 588 831 | AKA Vur Tor & Fur Tor |
RABBITS TOR | SX 6338 6998 | |
RAVEN TOR | SX 747 756 | AKA Rippon Tor |
RAVEN’S TOR | SX 5041 8400 | |
RAVEN’S TOR | SX 7614 8190 | AKA Raven’s Tower. |
RAVEN’S TOWER | SX 7614 8190 | AKA Raven’s Tor. |
REEP’S TOR | SX 528 765 | AKA Little Cocks Tor & Little Cox Tor. |
RIFLE TOR | SX 6431 8802 | AKA. Rival Tor & Ripper Tor. |
RIPPER TOR | SX 6431 8802 | AKA Rival Tor & Rifle Tor. |
RIPPON TOR | SX 747 756 | AKA Raven Tor. |
RIVAL TOR | SX 6431 8802 | AKA Rifle Tor & Ripper Tor. |
ROLLS TOR | SX 543 766 | AKA Roos Tor. |
ROOK TOR | SX 6025 6168 | |
ROOS TOR | SX 543 766 | AKA Rolls Tor & Rulestorre. |
ROUGE TOR | SX 53?? 73?? | |
ROUGE TOR | SX 542 738 | |
ROUGH TOR | SX 5790 6850 | |
ROUGH TOR | SX 5930 9164 | AKA Row Tor. |
ROUGH TOR | SX 6060 7981 | AKA Rowter. |
ROUND HILL TOR | SX 606 739 | Three rock piles. |
ROUND TOR | SX 6289 8901 | AKA Hound Tor |
ROUND TOR | SX 632 899 | AKA Little Hound Tor & Parva Hundetorre |
ROUNDHILL TOR | SX 6054 7393 | |
ROW TOR | SX 5930 9164 | AKA. Rough Tor |
ROW TOR | SX 6060 7981 | |
ROWDEN TOR | SX 699 759 | A circular, low, flat outcrop. |
ROWTER | SX 6060 7981 | AKA Rough Tor. |
ROYAL TOR | SX 6180 7263 | |
RULESTORRE | SX 543 766 | AKA Roos Tor. |
RUNDLESTONE TOR | SX 576 745 | |
SADDLE TOR | SX 751 763 | |
SAMFORD TOR | SX 531 732 | AKA Little Pew Tor. |
SAMPFORD TOR | SX 532 731 | |
SCABATORA | SX 7234 7500 | AKA Scobetor |
SCOBETORRE | SX 7234 7500 | AKA Scobetor |
SCAREY TOR | SX 6066 9230 | AKA Skurry Tor & Skir Tor |
SCOBETOR | SX 7234 7500 | AKA Scabatora & Scobetorre |
SCORHILL TOR | SX 6585 8710 | AKA. Scorhill Rocks. |
SET TOR | SX 5324 7799 | |
SHADYBACK TOR | SX 5666 6506 | AKA Shearaback Tor. |
SHAPLEY TOR | SX 669 821 | |
SHARP TOR | SX 5254 7710 | |
SHARP TOR | SX 5501 8488 | AKA Lydford Sharp & Sharpator. |
SHARP TOR | SX 560 703 | AKA Sharp-a-Tor. |
SHARP TOR | SX 649 617 | |
SHARP TOR | SX 686 730 | |
SHARP TOR | SX 7286 7806 | Rockpile on southern side of Chinkwell tor. |
SHARP TOR | SX 729 899 | |
SHARPATOR | SX 5501 8488 | AKA Sharp Tor & Lydford Sharp. |
SHARP-A-TOR | SX 560 703 | AKA Sharp Tor, Sharpetorre, & Sharpatorrbeme. |
SHARPATORRBEME | SX 560 703 | AKA Sharp-A-Tor. |
SHARPETORRE | SX 560 703 | AKA Sharp-A-Tor. |
SHARPITOR | SX 7722 8142 | |
SHAVERCOMBE TOR | SX 5940 6618 | |
SHEARABACK TOR | SX 5666 6506 | AKA Shadyback Tor. |
SHEEPS TOR | SX 566 682 | AKA ShisTor & Shepystor. |
SHELL TOR | SX 5980 6382 | |
SHELSTONE TOR | SX 5579 8980 | |
SHEPYSTOR | SX 566 682 | AKA Sheeps Tor & ShisTor. |
SHERRABACK TOR | SX 5666 6506 | AKA Shadyback Tor |
SHILSTONE TOR | SX 6582 9020 | |
SHIPLEY TOR | SX 6851 6319 | |
SHISTOR | SX 566 682 | AKA ShepysTor & SheepsTor. |
SIDDAFORD TOR | SX 633 836 | AKA Sittaford Tor. |
SITTAFORD TOR | SX 633 836 | AKA Siddaford Tor. |
SKAT TOR | SX 82?? 85?? | AKA. Skatter Rock. |
SKIR TOR | SX 6066 9230 | AKA Scarey Tor & Scurry Tor. |
SKURRY TOR | SX 6066 9230 | AKA Scarey Tor & Skir Tor. |
SNAPPERS TOR | SX 5710 6925 | |
SOLAR TOR | SX 7580 7690 | AKA Ather, Hay, Hey, & High Tor. |
SOURTON TOR | SX 552? 892? | AKA Granite tor & Granate Tor. |
SOURTON TORS | SX 542 899 | |
SOUTH BETOR | SX 616 779 | AKA Longaford Tor. |
SOUTH HESSARY TOR | SX 5970 7233 | AKA Lookout Tor. |
SOUTH TOR | SX 6917 7161 | |
STANNON TOR | SX 6465 8112 | |
STEEPERTON TOR | SX 618 888 | |
STENGA TOR | SX 5680 8800 | AKA Stinka Tor, Sourton Tor, & The Camel. |
STINKA TOR | SX 5680 8800 | AKA Stenga Tor, Sourton Tor, & The Camel |
STONE TOR | SX 5710 7454 | AKA Hollow Tor. |
STONE TOR | SX 6485 8568 | AKA Thurstone Tor. |
STONESLADE TOR | SX 712 779 | |
STRANE TOR | SX 615 714 | |
SWELL TOR | SX 5620 7320 | |
TAPTER | SX 7360 7624 | AKA Top Tor. |
TAVY CLEAVE TOR | SX 555 834 | |
THORNWORTHY TOR | SX 665 851 | |
THREE BARROWS TOR | SX 653 626 | |
THURSTONE TOR | SX 6485 8568 | AKA Stone Tor. |
TOP TOR | SX 7360 7624 | AKA Tapter. |
TORRY COMBE TOR | SX 5745 6152 | AKA Whit Hill Tor. |
UDAL TOR | SX 5155 6714 | |
VIXEN TOR | SX 542 742 | AKA The Egyptian Sphinx. |
VOKKETORRE | SX 567 735 | AKA Foggin Tor. |
VOLCANO, THE | SX 551 842 | AKA Hare Tor. |
VUR TOR | SX 5655 7249 | AKA Fur Tor & Forter |
WACKA TOR | SX 662 621 | |
WAIN TOR | SX 5640 7630 | AKA Little Mis Tor. |
WALTER TOR | SX 629 868 | AKA Watern Tor. |
WARREN TOR | SX 687 814 | AKA Birch Tor. |
WAS TOR | SX 5001 8295 | AKA Wassa’s Tor. |
WASSA’S TORR | SX 5001 8295 | AKA Was Torr. |
WATERN BOROUGH | SX 629 868 | AKA. Watern Tor. |
WATERN TOR | SX 629 868 | AKA. Watern Borough & Walter Tor. |
WAYDON TOR | SX 620 780 | AKA Higher White Tor & Whitten Tor. |
WELLS TOR | SX 7430 7300 | AKA Welstor Rock. |
WEST MIL TOR | SX 5875 9099 | |
WHIT HILL TOR | SX 5745 6152 | AKA Torry Combe Tor |
WHIT TOR | SX 542 787 | AKA Peter Tor, Peterstone Rock |
WHITEHILL TOR | SX 5739 6149 | AKA Torry Combe Tor. |
WHITTEN TOR | SX 620 780 | AKA Higher White Tor & Waydon Tor. |
WIDGERY TOR | SX 5398 8557 | AKA Brai Tor & Brat Tor. |
WILD TOR | SX 623 877 | AKA Wills Torn. |
WILLS TOR | SX 623 877 | AKA Wild Tor. |
WIND TOR | SX 708 758 | |
WINTER TOR | SX 6098 9159 | |
YANNADON CRAGS | SX 5494 6759 | AKA Click Tor & Cleag Tor. |
YAR TOR | SX 678 740 | AKA Hurtestorre, Hartor, & Heart Tor |
YES TOR | SX 5644 7247 | AKA. East Tor. |
YES TOR | SX 581 902 | AKA Eagles Hill |
YONDER TOR | SX 6215 6980 | AKA Little Fox Tor. |
YSFOTHER | SX 5783 7422 | AKA North Hessary Tor |
Where could I find the etymology for West/East Mil/Mill tors?
Where can i find out where the Tors get their names from?