Having recently just completed a webpage on the ‘Pits of Dartmoor‘ it does seems logical to follow it with a page on the Beams and Gerts of Dartmoor. Mainly due to the fact that both beams and gerts began life as pits before they actually formed. I must admit it has always confused me as to when a gert is a gert and a beam a beam or? William Crossing defines a ‘beam’ as having: “a mining signification, and where it is found on the moor a deep. open working will usually be seen… (sometimes) the name has attached itself to the hill near the workings”, p11.. Worth is complete agreement with William Crossing but also adds that the word: “may refer to the ‘rocking beam’ of a pump used for mining purposes.”, p.420. Hemery gives the following interpretation: “Suffix found in the vicinity of opencast tin workings.”, p.23. He also points out that the term ‘beam’ pre-dates the invention of the rocker beam pump. The most recent definition comes from Phil Newman who suggests that a beam is a: “large steep sided gully where tin was worked using opencast methods.”, p.69. So it is pretty safe to assume that in most cases the place-name element of a beam refers to a large gully which has been formed by the activities of opencast mining. Today the majority of these are filled with vegetation of various kinds and varying degrees of water. Quite often small trees, especially rowans have made them their home along with a variety of wildlife. Below is a list of beams that I have listed in my Dartmoor Database, there certainly are many more, most of which have been lost over time. In a lot of cases even when such place-names are found it is impossible to actually pin them down to a precise location.
Name (some taken from Brown’s Gazetteer) | OS Grid Ref | Also Known As |
BLACK BEAM | SX 664 679 | |
CATER’S BEAM | SX 64 68 | |
CURBEAM | SX 559 857 | AKA Wheal George |
GIBBY BEAM | SX 667 776 | |
HIGH LINERS BEAM | SX ??? ??? | Location unknown |
HOLMING BEAM | SX 590 722 | AKA Omen Beam |
OMEN BEAM | SX 590 776 | AKA Holming Beam |
OWLACOMBE BEAM | SX 767 735 | |
PIPER’S BEAM | SX 659 660 | |
RIDDIPIT BEAM | SX 573 701 | |
SCUDLEY BEAM | SX 692 802 | AKA Scutley Beam |
SCUTLEY BEAM | SX 692 802 | AKA Scudley Beam |
SHABBA BEAME | SX 6028 6526 | |
SHILSTONE BEAM | SX ??? ??? | Location unknown |
WILLABEAM | SX 594 701 |
Below is a wintry picture of Omen Beam when the deep mining scars can be seen, incidentally the picture also shows the outlines of the old turf ties which stripe the far hillside.
Next we come onto the question of gerts, Crossing describes them as being: “a deep, open working of the miners; larger than a gulley.”, (p.21). I don’t think it’s a good idea to throw the term ‘gulley’ into the mix as it will cause even greater confusion. Hemery defines a gert thus: “a deep, opencast working driven by miners to expose the tin-lode.“, (p.50). Newman simply records for a gert: “see beam.”, (p.69). Once again below is a list of known gerts that dwell in my Dartmoor Database, again there will be numerous omissions
Name (some taken from Brown’s Gazetteer) | OS Grid Ref | Also Known As |
BAGTOR GERT | SX 764 759 | |
CLAY TOR GERT | SX 56?? 79?? | |
COMBESHEAD GERT | SX 593 693 | |
CRAMBER GERT | SX 589 710 | AKA Blue Burrows |
CRAZYWELL GERT | SX 5820 7030 | |
DEADLAKE GERT | SX 5720 7035 | |
DEANCOMBE GERT | SX 578 686 | |
DITSWORTHY GERT | SX 5795 6620 | |
DRY LAKES GERT | SX 661 707 | |
FOX TOR GERT | SX 628 697 | |
GREEN GERT | SX 554 832 | |
GREENWELL GERT | SX 540 657 | |
HEADLAND GERT | SX 691 809 | |
HOOPER’S GERT | SX 607 683 | |
KINGSETT GERT | SX 5746 6991 | |
NEWLEYCOMBE GERT | SX 5935 7020 | |
OVER TOR GERT | SX 560 755 | |
RIDDIPIT GERT | SX 5713 7006 | |
SKAUR GUT | SX 647 679 | AKA Skir Gut, Gert. |
SKIR GERT | SX 647 679 | AKA Skir Gut., Skaur Gert. |
SKIR GUT | SX 647 679 | AKA Skir Gert., Skaur Gut. |
STONEY GERT | SX 6555 6640 | |
STUBLEY HILLS GERT | SX 5335 8449 | |
T GERT | SX 634 696 | |
T GERT | SX 662 679 | |
T GERT | SX 623 699 | |
WELLA BROOK GERT | SX 665 680 | |
WOODER GOYLE | SX 712 788 | A Goyle is a north western moor term for a Gert |
WORKMAN’S GERT | SX 684 702 | |
YELLOWMEAD GERT | SX 5756 6700 |
So basically there is no real distinction between a beam and a gert, maybe a study of old mining documents would suggest that the term beam was originally used and this was then later replaced by gert? There are many other descriptives that could be used instead of beam or gert such as ‘gash’, ‘scar’, incision, but they sound a little too dramatic.
Now just to complicate matters there are also a couple of other terms that are used to describe mining openworks on Dartmoor, they are; ‘gut’, which simply has mutated from gert. Also there is ‘goyle’ which tends to be found at locations on the north western side of Dartmoor. You can also throw in for good measure the ‘gulfs’ which could be described as beams or gerts with water running down them.
Lastly when is a beam not a beam? If you look at the map below you will see clearly marked the hill of Cater’s Beam along with Blacklane and its post. Firstly, the actual tin working beam is further to the west of that marked on the Ordnance Survey maps and the place-name in its true sense has been wrongly allocated to the hill. Secondly, over the years there have been several ‘posts’ which in all reality are railway sleepers and act as a markers for the Blacklane. This in itself has caused some confusion because the ‘beam-like’ sleeper has been taken as representative for the actual beam place-name element.
Brown, M. 1995. The Gazetteer of Dartmoor Names. Liverton: Forest Publishing
Crossing, W. 1990. Crossing’s Guide to Dartmoor. Newton Abbot: Peninsula Press.
Hemery, E. 1983. High Dartmoor. London: Hale Publishing.
Newman, P. 1998. The Dartmoor Tin Industry – A Field Guide. Newton Abbot: Chercombe Press.
Worth, R. H. 1988. Worth’s Dartmoor. Newton Abbot: David & Charles.