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Tag Archives: Jonas Coaker

Ringhill Flint Factory

There are two locations on Dartmoor where the placename “Ringhill” can be found. The first is just to the east of Oxenham Manor where there is the “Ringhill,” “Ringhill Coppice” and “Ringhill Cross.” The second lies just to the north of Postbridge in the form of what was once “Ringhill …

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Whativer shall I do

Over the centuries Dartmoor has lost many old characters, all of whom were proud, hardworking men, born of the moor and all who have left their legacy in the pages of the moor’s history. One such character was Jonas Coaker the ‘Dartmoor Poet’. Jonas Coaker was born at Hartyland near …

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Dartmoor 1843

“A Visit to Dartmoor 1843 – On the afternoon of last Friday we left the city (Exeter), and not knowing of any regular conveyance, and being rather partial to pedestrian exercise, determined to accomplish the journey on foot. It may be unnecessary  to go over the often-related tale of Devonshire …

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