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The Dartmoor Arts

Widecombe’s Landscape

It is said that “one should never judge a book by its cover,” and in the case of Roger Claxton’s new book the cover says it all. The title “Widecombe’s Ancient Landscape” has been cleverly designed to portray many aspects of exactly that in such a way as one wants …

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East Dartmoor’s Lesser-known Tors and rocks

East Dartmoor’s Lesser-Known Tors and Rocks. Published Date – 2022. Published by – The Dartmoor Company. ISBN – 978-0-9956902-2-6 Presentation – Soft back Price – £24. (including postage) Available from The Dartmoor Company, Amazon, etc. It is said that the word “Tor” derives from the old Celtic name of “twr” …

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F. J. Widgery

“Water colours by F. J. Widgery are an acquisition to any gallery. He has devoted himself whole-heartedly to the charms of the West of England scenery. His sensitive colouring and “live” feeling are revealed in beautiful pieces of work.” – 1927. If asked who is my favourite Dartmoor artist of …

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Bernard A. Gotch

Ask most people to name a Dartmoor artist and on the list would probably be the Widgerys, Brittan, Rowden, Morrish, Tozer, and Sherrin to name but a few. But I wonder if Bernard C. Gotch would even appear in that salubrious hall of fame? In Brian le Messurier’s book ‘Dartmoor …

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Welfare in Widecombe

Author – Roger Claxton Publisher – Widecombe History Group ISBN (print) – 978-1-9162849-0-6 ISBN (ebook) – 978-1-9162849-1-3 Price – £17.00 plus p&p Available from – The Widecombe History Group At the time of writing this the world is in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic during which people are becoming …

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Clam Bridges of Dartmoor Book

“Simple bridges made of timber, known as clam bridges, were once a common sight around Dartmoor. traditionally built from tree trunks laid across a stream or river with a hand rail on one side these bridges utilised the most common material in the river valleys that surround the moor. Bringing …

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Galveston on Dartmoor


During one of his banishments from the royal court, Piers Gaveston is said to have hidden himself on Dartmoor until which time it was safe to return. Local legend has it that during his time on Dartmoor he ventured out to Crazywell Pool. His purpose for visiting the pool was …

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Heat of the Hunt

“Heat of the Hunt’ is populated by characters which go beyond good and evil or heroes and villains, but instead explores the many facets of what it means to find and test humanity. Each character is on their own journey, inspiring the reader to question their own definitions of right …

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Every now and again a new book about Dartmoor is published which can be described as having that WOW factor and sits in the ‘can’t put it down’ category. ‘Moor Medieval‘ is one that certainly deserves that accolade. Published by the Moor Than Meets the Eye Landscape Partnership in conjunction …

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Big Screen Dartmoor

Over the past hundred years or so numerous Dartmoor locations and landscapes have been used in Big Screen movies. and television productions. Probably the most famous being War Horse which used Ditsworthy Warren as a setting. You can nearly trace the evolution of cinematography and production techniques with films that …

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