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Simon Thorn Verse

Simon Thorn Verse



Old Simon Thorn was a Devonian, bred and


And Work’d in his master’s fields all day from early


A real good man was Simon, truthful in deed and


And through Life’s many sorrows, as blithesome as a



Simon Thorn Verse


My lot in this world, he said, I ne’er consider


For I’ve love of wife and child, and master’s warm


He treats me not, as some do, like a hack or pig or


But as a man, with heart and head – not as stone or



Simon Thorn Verse


A cottage snug I have, and a pleasant garden

plot –

You may travel far and wide ere you find a fairer


The seasons come and go, I bless them ev’ry


Welcoming each, yet sorry when either’s course is



Simon Thorn Verse

Tis bliss to see the first lamb sporting on the


Ere yet in hedge-rows bare, pale primroses are


My joyful heart beats fast when bee is on the

wing –

And I hear the merry thrush and piping blackbird





When Spring ripens into Summer, and brightest flow’rs bloom,

When the sky is deepest blue, and earth lies not in


I feel Heaven is not far off – that God is vey

near –

And in my heart upspringeth pure joy, unmix’d with



Simon Thorn Verse


When Autumn brings her full store of fruit and

golden grain,

With gratitude I list to the sickle and the

Wain –

And song of merry harvesters, binding up the


Ere the grand old trees have shed their many

tinted leaves.


Simon Thorn Verse


And in the hush of Evening, when birds are

singing lays,

I sit beneath my cottage eaves, and think of

other days;

And read the Holy Bible – the Sermon on the

Mount –

Which seems as clear as water from any crystal



Simon Thorn Verse


I care not much for churches, or sermons by

the priest,

For they confuse me often – Christ’s Sermon not

the least –

At night I say the Lord’s Prayer, the best that

e’er was said,

And dread the darkest grave, sir, as little as my


E TOZER – 1873

About Tim Sandles

Tim Sandles is the founder of Legendary Dartmoor

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