STREAM of the mountain! never did the ray
Of the high summer pierce the gloom profound
Whence rise the startling and eternal sounds
Of thy mad, tortur’d waters! Beautiful
Are thy sister streams – most beautiful-
And rill and river lift their sweet tones all
Rejoicing; but for thee has horror shap’d
A bed, and curs’d the spot with cries that awe
The soul of him who listens! From the brink
The traveller hies, and meditates aghast,
How, e’en when winter tenfold horrors flung
Around the gulph, a fellow being-here-
Through darkness plung’d to death!
His fate is still
Fresh in the memory of the aged swain,
And in upland cottages the tale
Is told with deep emotion; for the more
Of life rose o’er that suicide is rich
And lovely promise, as the vernal day
O’er nature oft; though thus it closed, abrupt
As the shades drop upon Ausonian fields
When rains the black volcano! Hapless youth!
The dæmon that in every age has won
Millions of souls-won thine. If gaming hold
On high her fascinating lure, let man
Beware;-to conquer is to flee. He heard
Who perish’d here,-he heard the tempter’s tale
Bewitching; and from Play’s short dream awoke
To misery. Swift though the burning brain
Shot the dread purpose, and remorse and shame
Heated his blood to madness. Should he dare
The world’s dread sneer, and be loathed mark
For its unsparing finger?- rather rush
To death and to forgetfulness;- thus breath’d
The lying fiend. In vain that fateful night
Rag’d the loud winters storm,- the victim fled
From friends and home. The lightening o’er his path
Flash’d horribly-the thunder peel’d-the winds
Mournfully blew; yet still his desperate course
He held; and fierce he urg’d his gallant steed
For many a mile. The torrent lifted high
Its voice,- he plung’d not yet into the beast
Of the dark waters! By the cliff he pass’d,-
He sprang not from it-gloomier scenes than these,
And death more terrible, his spirit sought-
The caverns of the Lyd!
Why seek’d the man
A weary of the world to quit it thus?-
To leap through horrors to the vast unknown,
And haste to dread eternity by ways
That make the heart-blood of the living chill
To think on?-To the destin’d goal he swept
With eye unflinching and with soul unawed,
Through the wild night; by precipice and peak
Tremendous,- over bank, and bridge, and ford-
Breasted the torrent- climb’d the treacherous brink-
Scal’d the rock-crested hill, and burst anon
Into the valley, where a thousand streams,
Born of the mountain storm, with arrowy speed
Shot madly by. His spirit scorn’d them all-
Those dangers and those sounds- for he was strong
To suffer; and one master aim possess’d,
With an unnatural and resistless power,
That lost, lost victim!- On he sternly plung’d
Amid the mighty tumult;-o’er his brow
Quicker and brighter stream’d the lightening;-loud
And louder spoke the thunder; still, on-on
He press’d his steed- the frightful gulf at last,
Was won,-the river foam’d above the dead!