As always nothing is simple on Dartmoor and the distinction between a tor and rocks is one such example. The term ‘rocks’ can be used in two separate ways when alluding to granite outcrops. Firstly there are the instances where the term ‘rocks is used as a place-name suffix. In effect they could easily be called ‘tors’ but for some reason the ‘rocks’ suffix has been attached. Examples of the occurrence would be Blacktor Rocks, Heytor Rocks, Greator Rocks, Kestor Rock, etc. As can be seen, the first place-name element still retains and incorporates the word ‘tor’.
The second way the word ‘rocks’ can be used is as a substitute for the descriptive element, ‘tor’. In effect these places are tors but again for some unknown reason are deemed ‘rocks’. Such places include Ausewell Rocks, Bonehill Rocks, Hemstone Rocks, etc. In some cases it could be argued that the term ‘rocks’ refers to a more or less completely eroded tor such as in the case of Prince Hall Rocks but then the theory breaks down when ones looks at Bonehill Rocks. The table below shows many of both of the above instances which in some cases can be found in the list of tors as well:
AUSEWELL ROCKS | SX 731 716 | AKA Hazel Tor, Lion Rock. (Rivers of Devon ) |
BEACON ROCKS | SX 6685 5911 | AKA Ugborough Beacon, Peek Down Rocks, Pikdon Rocks. |
BLACK ROCKS | SX 6295 6705 | |
BLACK ROCKS | SX 6553 5832 | |
BLACKATOR ROCKS | SX 6669 7500 | |
BONEHILL ROCKS | SX 7315 7745 | AKA CharbeTor. |
BROADA STONES | SX 618 819 | |
BROADUN ROCKS | SX 632 806 | |
BUTTERN ROCKS | SX 6530 8868 | |
CHARLIE’S ROCKS | SX 6830 7590 | |
CHERRYBROOK ROCKS | SX 621 796 | Small outcrop below Lower White Tor. |
CLITTER ROCKS | SX 743 790 | Rocks between Widecombe-Manaton path and Great Hound Tor. |
DRY LAKE ROCKS | SX 633 664 | |
EMSWORTHY ROCKS | SX 752 769 | |
FALL ROCKS | SX 6799 6472 | A cascade. |
FLOCK O’ SHEEP | SX 628 907 | |
FLOUR ROCKS | SX 6821 7401 | |
FORD ROCKS | SX 6075 6195 | |
GNATS ROCKS | SX 6164 6791 | |
GRADNOR ROCKS | SX 7810 8025 | |
GREATOR ROCKS | SX 747 786 | AKA Grea Tor. |
HEMSTONE ROCKS | SX 646 835 | |
HINGSTON ROCKS | SX 769 858 | |
JOHN CANN’S ROCKS | SX 814 798 | |
KIT ROCKS | SX 6130 8270 | |
LOWTON ROCKS | SX 667 835 | AKA Lowton Borough and Loughten Tor. |
MANATON ROCKS | SX 7483 8156 | AKA Manaton Tor. |
OLD HILL ROCKS | SX 6682 6310 | |
OUTCOMBE ROCKS | SX 5779 6844 | AKA Outcombe Waste & Out Home Waste. |
PEEK DOWN ROCKS | SX 6685 5911 | AKA Beacon Rocks, Pikdon Rocks & Ugborough Beacon. |
PETER STONE ROCKS | SX 542 787 | AKA Whit Tor & Peter Tor |
PIKDON ROCKS | SX 6685 5911 | AKA Beacon Rocks, Peek Down Rocks & Ugborough Beacon. |
PIXIES PARLOUR | SX 720 896 | |
PRINCE HALL ROCKS | SX 6139 7407 | |
PROWTYTOWN ROCKS | SX 5285 7452 | |
ROCKS, THE | SX 568 833 | A stretch of The Tavy. |
RYDERS ROCKS | SX 677 647 | |
SADDLE CLOVE ROCK | SX 7320 7827 | |
SADDLE ROCK | SX 5410 7441 | |
SCOBETOR ROCKS | SX 7234 7500 | |
SCORHILL ROCKS | SX 6585 8710 | AKA. Scorhill Tor. |
SETTERS | SX 5327 7798 | AKA Setters Rocks. |
SETTERS ROCKS | SX 5327 7798 | AKA Setters. |
SHAPTOR ROCKS | SX 8095 8085 | |
SOUTHCOTT ROCKS | SX 744 801 | |
TAW ROCKS | SX 611 876 | |
THREE ROCKS, THE | SX 7321 7350 | |
TUNHILL ROCKS | SX 731 758 | |
WEST CLEAVE ROCKS | SX 6090 9408 | |
WILDBANKS ROCKS | SX 611 802 | |
WOODER ROCKS | SX 712 789 | |
YEALM ROCKS | SX 6168 6391 |
Hi There – I’m a London picture dealer – may I send you (Tim Sandles) a photo of a painting by John Brett of rocks near Chagford (I think) done in 1878, in the hope that you might recognise the topography?
Hi, Sorry for the delay in replying – no problem, send me the photo and I will see if I can help.
Happy to see if I can help too, I live in Chagford!